Tuesday, March 12, 2024

My top 5 favorite sources of news and information

Growing up as a child in the digital age social media has always been a prevalent force in my life. I could not remember a time when I was not searching and scrolling on Instagram. With that being said, news can be pushed out in various different ways through various different sources.  I recognize that my news consumption is not as high as it should be, but I am working towards consuming more as it is slowly becoming more and more important that I stay in the know with the news I am visualizing.

1. Instagram

I was born in the digital age, so of course I grew up surrounded by technology and social media. Instagram is one of those and is one of my sources where I find my daily news. I feel like this is one of, if not the most convenient way for me to find my news. When I am doing my daily scroll on Instagram, I follow news accounts that are posted into my feed so I can stay up to date on the news that I am interested in reading.

2. TikTok

I know TikTok is not the most reliable source, but I use it as a way for me to fact-check the news that shows up on my feed. If a news story pops up on my feed and I am interested in reading further into what the story is. TikTok is notorious for not providing legitimate information which comes from not credible sources so I see this as an interesting way to fact-check news and see if it is something I truly want to learn about.


For all of my sports content, I prefer to use ESPN. There are plenty of other sources such as Bleacher Report, or CBS Sports but I feel as though ESPN provides a catered source of sports news. I can easily favorite my teams and can filter to only see content for that specific team or sport. I like having that aspect rather than just seeing a vague home page of a source.

WSOC is a news station that is local to my hometown of Charlotte, NC. This website allows me to stay in touch with what is going on around my hometown. I like using this because it allows me to know what is going on around town, and allows me to follow stories that apply to me. Recently, my sister was featured on an article for her athletic accolades, and having access to WSOC allowed me to read this without having to buy the physical newspaper.


Growing up going to school CNN 10 was almost a necessity in all of my social studies classes. We would watch this every day as it allowed my peers and I to stay connected with what was going on around the world at a comprehension level everyone could understand. We loved seeing the host Carl Azuz every day and he became a constant source of laughter in our lives. I enjoy how CNN makes this special program that allows young adults to stay connected to the news going on around the world.

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