Wednesday, April 24, 2024

EOTO 2 Reflection

Throughout our second round of EOTO presentations, we were tasked with researching different theories, terms, and practices that we have learned throughout history. There were many presentations that stuck out to me, but a few that I would like to talk about. Many of the concepts that we talked about I was already familiar with, but there were a few that I wasn't which surprised me.

The first term I resonated with was Alternative Media. These are non-typical forms of media that allow citizens to view media in different formats, and be able to intake information in different ways. These include billboards, podcasts, and graffiti. These different outlets not only allow for different sources to be allowed to share their information but also allow different viewpoints to be shared throughout these outlets. These non-mainstream form of communication, allows voices to be heard outside of the mainstream media. The presenter was very well-versed on her topic and brought up some good points that helped to further her points on the positives of Alternative Media.

The second term that I learned during the EOTO presentation was News Deserts. These are sections of the country and even the world where there is no interest in having local news, leaving citizens high and dry when it comes to learning about their daily news. The presenter showed graphics and other viable forms of media that showcased just how deprived some communities are of local news. It really got me thinking about the importance of local news and how vital it is for a community to stay informed on what is going on around them.

Overall, these presentations left an impact on how I view certain forms of technology. I think that it is important to learn about new forms of technology in order to become more educated about what is going on in the world around us.

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