Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The 8 Freedoms of Expression

There are 8 Freedoms of Expression: 1. Marketplace of Ideas, 2. Participation in Self-Government, 3. Stable Change, 4. Individual Self-Fulfillment, 5. Check on Governmental Power, 6. Promote Tolerance, 7. Promote Innovation, and 8. Protect Dissent. These freedoms help enable citizens under the First Amendment to be able to speak however they please, with restraints. There were 2 that stuck out to me the most: Promote Tolerance and Stable Change. These two freedoms work hand-in-hand with each other which is why they stuck out to me. Promoting Tolerance deals with making sure that you are aware of what you can and cannot say from a young age, while Stable Change allows citizens to vent their issues about the government without consequence, which oddly enough could provide a more stable living environment. Knowing your limits of what you can say, while talking about politics and the government is immensely important to make sure that you do not end up under a light for something you said or did.

When we were presented with the freedom to promote tolerance, I was confused as to why this wasn't just a common sense ideal that should be practiced in everyday life. But, after reflecting on this idea, it is evident as to why it is a freedom that should be talked about. We were presented with the fake scenario of the NBA team owner who said a slur on Twitter. This made me reflect on whether or not this had happened previously, or rather something similar to it, and yes it had. Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver was suspended for a year on September 13, 2022, for repeated use of racial slurs and sexual misconduct allegations."

"While I disagree with some of the particulars of the NBA’s report, I would like to apologize for my words and actions that offended our employees. I take full responsibility for what I have done. I am sorry for causing this pain, and these errors in judgment are not consistent with my personal philosophy or my values." (Sarver) This is a real-life example of how promoting tolerance can affect someone and their life track. 

Stable Change was the other freedom that I wanted to touch on. Stable Change is a citizen's ability to "vent" and criticize the government in any way that they choose without repercussions. This freedom is one that I was a bit confused about when it was first introduced, but upon further thinking it is a freedom that is vital for our nation to function properly. Having the ability to freely criticize the government under the First Amendment, is an instrumental value to our society. Citizens should be able to form their own opinions and beliefs based on what they believe and can disagree with others who do not align with the same values as you. There is also the idea that the government can use what its citizens are saying to gauge their likeness within society.


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