Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Progressive Era

Prior to this assignment, I was not knowledgeable of, and their efforts to lower the amount and severity of wars all across the world. I always knew that there was an effort, but not one as established as this. I do believe that some of the reasons that we do not hear about these websites are the government censoring/controlling what we can and the political uproar that it would cause had these websites gone mainstream. I never really thought about how different a country would be going into
a war, or becoming active in one because I had never experienced that. But, after viewing this website I feel very sympathetic for these countries that are being reported on, it must be so hard for them to continue on in their everyday lives, and even coexist at the same time as a war. Whenever I think about a country going to war I think of the first Captain America movie and the pure patriotism that the movie portrays. I never gathered all of the pain and suffering that goes along with the fact of war. 

The second website that we were tasked with browsing was 
The American Conservative is an unfiltered and honest political news site. I enjoyed how the authors were not afraid to voice their opinions freely, and they were brutally honest when criticizing the government. The site reports on various topics, and viewing the website feels like an easy way to become more involved in how our government is doing and handling different current issues.

I enjoyed both websites and feel as though I can better gather why these voices are being sheltered. I fear that the government is worried about how citizens would react to these opinions becoming more mainstream and easier to view and hear than the more calm and tame voices that they are speaking out of. The voicing of true opinions is what the First Amendment was created for, so why is the government scared of citizens voicing their true opinions?  

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