Monday, March 25, 2024

Privacy, Online and Off

     These issues of privacy are integral to everyone, not just friends and family. These TED Talks discuss how our privacy is being breached daily, and how certain companies are being exploited to hand out this information. I enjoyed these TED Talks because they allowed me to gain a deeper level of understanding through a fresh way of retaining private information.

    The first TED Talk I watched was from Juan Enriquez, and he gave his talk on "electronic tattoos." He spoke about how everyone has what he calls an electronic tattoo which tells certain companies where you have been, and where you are going. Social media sites like Twitter, and Facebook, as well as security cameras, are guilty of using this technology to track people's every movement on the internet. I had never really thought about my digital footprint in this way. The ability for companies to track my every move just with the click of a button is honestly a little scary, but it is also the world that we are currently living in.

    Another TED Talk I watched that really resonated with me was from Andy Yen and it was about the breach of privacy that comes from our emails and companies looking into our emails and what we are directly saying to others. I think that this is a total invasion of privacy and I cannot fathom how some companies have the morality to do that to their customers. I understand why these companies are doing this, but I feel like there has to be a better way to go about this. Invading someone's privacy to articulate the advertisements to ones that they would like. 

These issues affect us all the time and are issues that I feel could be prevented with some better transparency from both sides of the issue. It is an invasion of privacy for you, your family, and everyone else that is involved. But, on the flip side, I can also see why this is instrumental for other companies because it allows them to better cater to what they think their viewers want to see.

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