Thursday, April 4, 2024

Reaction Post

While listening to other students' presentations on various origins of technology, there was much that I learned about these technologies how they have affected human lives, and how they are different than when they were created. It was unique to see how different technologies have evolved, even in the last few decades, and how they have changed how humans function as a result of these technologies.

I particularly enjoyed the presentation on CD's. Growing up in the early 2000s I grew up during the height of the popularity of the CD. There was a lot that I learned about CDs, with one of the most interesting being that they were traced back to around 3500 BC. I think that it was interesting to hear about that, and how they were not actually created and sold until 1982. I also thought that the CD would have been created after that, with the cassette tape and 8 track taking popularity in the 90's.

Another presentation that I was interested in was on Netflix. I remember growing up how I was so excited to get home from school on the weekends and see which movie Netflix sent to my house. I was very intrigued to find out that it switched to a streaming platform in 2007, which was very experimental at the time. I had no clue that Netflix switched to streaming that early, I thought that Netflix hopped on the bandwagon so to speak when Hulu and Prime Video were created, not that they were the pioneer in that field.

A final presentation that I enjoyed was a presentation on Video Games. This presentation was an exception not just because the presenter completed his entire presentation without note cards. I learned that there were two main companies that were contending for the title of greatest video game designer, Nintendo, and Sony. These companies competed for years to take the title of greatest game designer, with each respective company still pushing out games to this day. Overall, this was an interesting presentation, and was very eye-opening to see the effects of video games on everyday life.

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